In My Place


Fanatical Christian Organization Emails Me

I had to come and write this entry after the email that I just received. I will start at the beginning.

Last night I was watching tv and happened to come across a documentary on HBO. I love watching documentaries and the ones they usually show are great. This one however made me sick. I went to the HBO website so that I could share the actual name and summary of this documentary that they have on their site.


This disturbing verite documentary takes an up-close-and-personal look at members of the Army of God, a group of extremists who are committed to waging a bloody holy war against abortion. For the first time, several members of this faction reveal themselves and talk candidly about their stringent beliefs that bombings and murders are necessary evils in their mission to save the unborn. Filmmakers Marc Levin and Daphne Pinkerson (America Undercover's Thug Life in D.C.) have captured intimate footage and interviews with the group that has formed through rallies and the Internet.

I am a Christian. I have been for almost 20 years now, since I was a child. I however do not see things the way most Christians do. I try not to judge others for the decisions they make in their own lives. I don't preach at other people, who am I to preach at other people, I am not perfect. I don't think it's my right to tell someone else that they can't have an abortion, I wouldn't have one myself, but I don't want to tell someone else what they can or cannot do. Now my viewpoint on Abortion really doesn't go along with the Christian communities viewpoint. Now with all this said I must tell you what I thought about this film.

I was immediatly disgusted by these people shown on this film. They basically believe that it's justifiable to harm or even kill people who perform Abortions. They support the people who have gone out and bombed or shot the people who work in abortion clinics. Why don't they see that as murder. The 6th commandment in the bible says "Thou shalt not kill." You can't twist the Bible around to have the meaning of whatever you would like it to have.

So after watching half of this documentary, I decided to see if they had a website that had a message board or email. Every organization seems to have one these days anyway! So I found this website and decided that I would send these people an email expressing how wrong I think what they do is. I know it is probably a waste of time to do this but at least they are hearing my opinion! I love to share that!!

I decided I would be nice and not name call, but just quote the Bible and express my feelings about their organization. I sent them the following email:

I couldn't believe some of the things I saw in this documentary and the things that I have read on your webpage. I have been a christian for almost 20 years and have never seen Christians who act and say things like what I have seen on here. How can you say that killing others because of what they do is justifiable. Where in the bible does God tell you to go and seek revenge for what another person has done. Did I miss an amendment to the 10 Commandments? I can quote the Bible on this one..Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill." What about Romans 12:19, Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written,"Vengeance is Mine; I will repay." saith the Lord

I don't see how praising those who have Murdered others because they perform abortions as anything a Christian should be doing. Going around and harming others because they perform abortions hardly seems like the right thing to do. I personally think it makes you look as bad as those who are performing the abortions..It is unjustifiable murder.

I do not wish to receive any hate mail for expressing my opinions. I just felt the need to share my feelings on this. Thanks for listening

Now I think that was clear and to the point. I asked that they not send any hateful mail. This is what I got in return:

(I am purposely leaving out the picture of the aborted baby that they included with this email. Trust me you will be glad I did. It was a horrific picture. I still have it if you really want to see it. I don't recommend it though.)

Dear babykiller, helpless babies need to be protected from people like you who want to murder them.


SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner.

I believe you died on the cross to take away my

sins. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart

and be my Lord and my Savior, and take away my sins.

I must say for them calling themselves a Christian organization it doesn't make sense to call me a babykiller. Now this email pissed me off so much that I had to write back. I will share that email in the next diary entry if I recieve a reply back from them.

I just hope that people saw this Documentary and wrote and told these people just how wrong they are. I am sure I am not the only one who has voiced my opinion and told them how wrong I think they are. Am I alone in this? Did I do the right thing? I think so!

I am sorry that this entry is so long, but I didn't want to leave anything out. Have a wonderful rest of the day!!


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