In My Place


job prospect

I might have a job prospect. It's one of those friend of a friend type of deals. So we will see if it works out. I hope so. I need the job. It's an one of the regional jails near where I live. Well not exactly near me, it would be about an hour drive overall each day. I don't really think that is bad though. There certainly isn't anything around here. I don't exactly know if I want to work at a jail. It would be in the office though, so at least I wouldn't have to be right with the criminals. I am sure that it would include some interaction with them though. That is the only thing that scares me a little. It's bad enough being around real people outside of a jail. But to be in a place where they are all together..hmm.. not too sure about this.

Alex was in jail about 6 years ago. No it wasn't for something like rape or murder..more like a pot charge. The sad thing is, he did more time (6 months) that the people who killed someone drinking and driving. Now I have a real problem with that.

I would rather have a person smoking weed then have them drunk and behind the wheel. I have even talked to my grandmother about this. I just don't see a problem with people smoking pot. It just isn't that big of a deal. I don't do it..but who am I to tell someone else they shouldn't be allowed to do it? I personally think they will someday legalize it.

wow I really went off on a tangent there..

I think it would be kinda crazy to work in a jail setting. I definitly don't think I would ever get bored. I don't know though. I just want to do secretarial work so it's not like I am going to be back there keeping the inmates in line. Now you couldn't pay me enough to do that. Why would I want to be that close to people who have obviously done something bad to be in there in the first place? You ever feel like doing something you did when you were younger? I often want to color in coloring books or collect dolls and such. I don't think it's a weird thing. I think maybe it's that I miss having no responsibilities and just want to have fun and be a kind again. I know everyone misses playing hide and seek or spotlight. Man if I saw the kids out playing those games in my neighborhood, I would so go right out there and play along. Kids these days don't play outside though. At least that is how it is around here. They are probably all too busy playing video games and chatting online. They wonder why the kids are mostly overweight and have no energy. Tell them kids to put down those damn Big Mac's and get their asses outside! It won't hurt them to get away from the playstation for a few hours. What is with parents today. Turn off their TV's and lock up those computers. My little boy has a tv and his room and if I think he has been watching it for too much. That's it..The TV goes off and I make him play outside or read a book or something that expands his brain instead of rotting it like that TV does. Ok well that was my little rant for the evening..I am tired...awww... Have a wonderful Monday (if that's possible) and sleep well tonight!! ~Rachel

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