In My Place


Something I saw that I wanted on my diary too...

I just saw this on someone else's diary so I just had to add it to mine... below the table you will see what I thought about the answers...

Magic Number11
JobSporting Great
PersonalityA Worrier, I Worry That I Worry Too Much
TemperamentSweet Natured
SexualWhatever, Whenever, Whoever
Likely To WinA Nobel Prize
Me - In A WordChinny
Brought to you by MemeJack

ok..magic number 11..well I don't really have a problem with that.. Job..Sporting that's funny. I like sports and all but it's definatly not what I would want to do for a job. Ok..they hit the personality right on.. so I won't even try to argue with it.. I guess the same with temperment.. Now..SEXUAL....hmmmm..That is so far off it's not even funny... A nobel prize..Yeah I think I deserve one for that book I am going to write!! Now someone needs to tell me what the hell Chinny is?? and I would say that the color thing being almost exactly like the colors in my diary is kind of cool... ok well that was an interesting this to do...I think I will do one for Alex's name now and then put it in right back Ok I am back and with Alex's answers..his are even funnier than mine...
Magic Number12
TemperamentAll Bark, No Bite
SexualIf I Have To
Likely To WinThe Booker Prize
Me - In A WordCompassionate
Brought to you by MemeJack

Let's start with the job thing, because who really cares about the numbers... Criminal..Ok..well he has been to jail..but he is reformed DAMMIT! He is definatly not a drifter..and the Temperment..whoa that was way off... I have seen what this guy does when he is pissed off...Again the Sexual thing is so far off....My God..he's a man for pete's sake..what man is gonna say..well if I have too....he is compassionate though!! awww... Maybe I should try it with Z's name?? ohh how bout the ex scott..that ought to provide a few laughs |
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