In My Place


I've got a job interview

I have a job interview...Yay!!! It's not til friday and it's only parttime and the pay sucks, but it's a job dammit. The sad part is my friend Kelly who works for Lowe's will be making more than me if I get this job. I think it's funny and I really don't care. I am sure that if I stay there I will get better job oppurtunities in the future! I am going back to school in June too. I can hardly believe it. I am so ready to finish up my degree and get a good job. Of course then I will go back and get my Master's. AHHH the goals in my life will finally be achieved...I am so excited. Now if I don't get this job I am going to be one pissed off person. I have put in so many resume's and filled out a ton a job applications and this is the first time I have got any kind of response. I think the lady really liked my resume! I am sure it was my cover letter that pulled her in! They tell you when you are learning to write these darn things that you have to really grab their attention. Well I guess I did!!

I know I have skipped a few days here and there lately. I just haven't had much to say. However I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and I guess I am going to share what I have been thinking about. I just talked about all the school and job stuff..but I have been thinking about talking to Alicia again. I miss having lots of friends. I used to go out all the time and have a ton of gals to talk to and now I just have Alex. I think that Alex may be the reason they don't talk to me and if so it's kind of sad. I mean why would you ignore a person because they are in love? That's stupid, I would never do that. Another reason could be because I stopped drinking, but I have mentioned that before and it doesn't seem to be the reason. I have a feeling that when I call her she will try and turn it all around on me. Saying stuff like, "well you never called me..and I don't read minds how was I supposed to know that when you started crying and hung up the phone that you were upset." This is what awesome friends I have...this is probably exactly what Alicia will say. I hope not. I hope that she will listen and understand how what she did hurt my feelings and it's upsetting when your supposed best friend just ignores you for 6 months. AHhhhhh why do I have to be the one to call's sad to say but I don't think she even cares. She has a new boyfriend and apparently a new best friend so why would she miss me? well I am going to go and call her and see what she says..I will then have to come and update..


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