In My Place


oh me oh my

All I did today was clean and plant flowers. It was an enjoyable time though! I like to clean. I am pretty sure that I get that from my grandmother. She is a clean freak. She will clean her house all day long and still say it is dirty. She needs some help! Her house is so clean you could eat off the floor and drink out of the toilet. I know that's gross but you could seriously do that in her house. Got to love her though. That is all she has done her life, clean up after people. She enjoys that kind of thing though so more power to her.

I on the other hand don't like it that much. I don't mind washing dishes and I love doing laundry. I hate to mop floors or clean bathrooms though. You would to if you had to clean up after 2 boys! Poor Z I don't think he even looks when he is peeing. Either that or he purposely tries to aim for the ceiling when he is doing it.

I have been so tired lately. I seriously think that I could sleep all day. I think that is bad though. I know I am not pregnant but I sure as hell have been getting all the symptoms of it. Weird? I still have yet to get my period. I have taken 4 pregnancy tests even though I know I am not pregnant. I still take them for better assurance I guess. They all show up negative. I can't explain my lack of period though? It has to be stress or exercise related. I have been trying to find a doctor to go to, but I don't have insurance so I am not trying to spend a fortune for them to say oh there isn't really anything wrong with you.

Alex still hasn't went shopping for my birthday present. I don't know what he is waiting for. I told him I wasn't giving him any ideas. I wanted him to think of something on his own. What is the point of him buying me something and it being special if I tell him what to buy?

My Mom was over here yesterday, but she didn't take Z back to her house. She did say that the next time she came over she would take him though.. so that is good. I need a break.

Scott's stepmom called and left a message on my phone the other day. She was asking to see Z. I haven't heard from her in 2 weeks and then they call on Mother's day. I just wish they would lose my number for good. I mean if they didn't want to see Z when Scott was living here why now? You don't get to pick and choose when you see him. He isn't a toy. You can't play with him. He cries for his daddy and it makes me cry. I don't want to see my baby hurting but there isn't anything I can do because I can't call Scott. I have decided that I will just write him a nasty little note and tell him what I think about what he is doing. In fact I think that is what I am going to do now.


Life is what you make it and I am about to make Scott's hell...

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