In My Place


My Birthday Pt. 2

Alrighty..well My Birthday is officially over..awww.

It's ok though, it wasn't all that exciting anyway. I only got one present. WOO HOO. Alex's mom bought me the most awesome shoes. I absolutly love them!! I was so excited I got something I actually liked!! Alex is supposed to buy me something tommorow since he didn't make it to the bank in time to cash his check. Yippee Skipee.. I get to open more presents!

My grandmother is talking about buying Alex and I a townhouse next to my brother and his wife!! I am so excited I really want to get out of this apartment and away from the man whore upstairs! I am trying not to get too excited over it because what if it doesn't happen. Then I will be all sad and depressed! So be wishing for me that I get my own place where I can paint the walls black if I want to ( I would NEVER do that though!) Just imagine all the home improvement projects I will be doing. Move over Trading Spaces.. It's Rachel's wrecking the house show!! Wow I am way too excited about all this!!

I am still looking for a better job. I hate babysitting which is basically what I do. I did start selling avon to get a little extra money, but I am just not a sales lady. I have no pitch except, "buy my damn shit, I need some freaking me feed my child!" Sounds good to me...So if anyone is interested..You can order through me online..It would make me very happy!! C'mon you know you want to help me!

Back to the birthday.. My Grandmother took me out to lunch at Applebee's wooptie woo..I love that place! It was nice spending time with her! We went after I had taken her to the heart doctor. Thank goodness she is ok, they told her she doesn't have to come back for another year! He told her that she will live to be 120..she laughed..he also told her to take a trip somewhere and relax. I got a huge smile on my face, Because this means we are going on vacation!! I want to go somewhere far away and have fun dammit!! We were trying to think of a place to visit but nothing was coming to mind. I say San Francisco but she wasn't sure about that.

Alex and I were going to go out to eat tonight, but I didn't feel like it. So we just cooked dinner together and that was good enough for me!

I did get a little bit of a present from him...a little of that Russian love! lol..(he's russian if you didn't know that) Although I get it most every night so it wasn't like I got some cause it was my birthday..It was just special because he was being all romantic about it..awww he's just too good to me!

On another note, Alex's Mom is planning on going to Russia in June and Alex is pissed. They kept telling him the next time they went that he could go. They didn't even ask him. Everyone of them has been back to Odessa but Alex and he wants to see his Grandmother before she dies. It is so sad to see how upset he was about it. I am still in hopes that she will buy him a ticket and take him, but it doesn't look like that is happening.

My mom is coming over tomorrow from Virginia. She didn't mention if she was taking Z back home with her. I hope she does. I need to get some stuff done and it's easier to do if he is occupied and having fun!

Oh Z did the cutest thing today. This morning he came in my room and said, "Mommy I love you and here you go, Happy Mother's Day" and he handed me a hommie (one of those little people they sell in the machines in the grocery stores) I kept telling him that Mother's day was yesterday and today was my Birthday..but he said,"So I still have to give you something else. I don't have any real I have to go get a job?" He is so cute. I told him it was ok and that the toy could be my present for both!

Well I have to be up early tomorrow. Have a wonderful tomorrow!!


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