In My Place


My Brother's Appendix wants to come out.

I got an interesting call from my brother tonight. He was in the emergency room at the local hospital getting ready to have his appendix removed. I was so scared for him. I couldn't go there though because I was babysitting until 11pm. I had to call my granmother and mom and let them know. It sucks because our mom lives in Virginia and she can't get over here until next week because of work. I think my Brother will be ok though because he has his wife and me to look after him! I was getting worried because my Mom was calling the hospital that he was in and they were telling us he wasn't there. I thought something bad had happened. I was relieved though because about an hour ago my sister-in-law called and told me he was out of surgery and doing good! He was in pain but was still a little groggy. I am so Happy that he is ok. He has had a rough week, he was in a car wreck and now this. I am going to go see him early tomorrow to see how he is doing. I am not sure how long they will keep him in the hospital yet but hopefully not too long because I am sure he hates it.

Today was a rough day with me. I was busy all day with babysitting and then the news about my brother didn't make me feel any better. Thank goodness everything is good now. I am so tired and ready for bed now!

I get pissed each day that passes and Scott hasn't called or written to Z. I don't know why either. I am sure that you are allowed to make calls while at bootcamp. I know he could write us and let us know how he is doing. Maybe he will call on Monday since it's my Birthday. He is however a dumbass and will probably not even realize that it's my birthday.

I think Z will be going to my Mom's next week which will be a fun vacation for me! I will be able to get all the stuff I need to do for school done and get Z signed up for kindergarten. He is so excited about it. I think once he gets into school though he won't enjoy it that much!

Well I have to get up a goodnight to all and have a great tomorrow!


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