In My Place


Ok I'm not pregnant so what is wrong with me?

Nothing that interesting happened to me today.

My brother called about 8pm and told me he had got into a car accident and was leaving the hospital and going home. At first I was scared that he was hurt. But he said he was just sore..nothing broke thank God! He said his truck was totalled though. Which is a pain in the ass since he was trying to sell it. I can be thankful he was ok though!

Took my grandmother to walmart today. She never learned how to drive so I have to take her everywhere she needs to go. Which is fine with me, she gives me gas money and pays my rent so why would I complain. Anyway, walmart is always a blast..nothing but redneck retards who can't even clean themselves up when they come out of the holler. I mean at least come out of the house in some clean clothes and wash your kids faces. I don't let my child out of the house in dirty clothes or with a dirty face...but these people obviously don't care that they look like trailer trash!

Walmart was crowded like always. I don't understand how it can be so crowded during the day. Doesn't anyone work or do they all just shop at Walmart all day?


I have been a little worried lately. I haven't had my period in like 2 months. I know I am not pregnant though. I have taken 3 pregnancy tests and they all come up negative. So what the hell is wrong with me? The sad thing is that I don't have a regular doctor that I see. Hell I don't even have health insurance for that matter. So what the hell am I supposed to do? Go to the Emergency room and spend $500.00 for them to refer me to another doctor. No Fucking Thanks. I finally told Alex about this last night. He gets so upset that I don't go to the doctor, but I told him it's different for him. He has medical coverage...I can't afford just to go make an appointment. So I am checking around about some sort of free health clinic other than the one downtown where they pass out birth control and test for std's and pregnancy. Wish me luck!

I guess that is all for now...I have to get some sleep since I will have my God-daughter to babysit tomorrow.

Hope you all had a wonderful day and a greater tomorrow.


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