In My Place


The hens were a pecking today

alrighty I know I have been away for a few days...sorry bout that..I am sure that you all missed

I have been on the search for a job for the past week. So far no luck. Hell noone has even called me, so looks like I will have to call all these places again! It sucks when you don't have a bunch of work experience, most people don't even want to call you back. It is sad because I am a smart gal who knows her way around an office. Hell I worked at my grandfather's office every Summer when I was younger. Sucks that I can't really use that for a reference since my grandfather is deceased.


I went to the gym the way I lost 2 more pounds...may not be much but hell it's worth celebrating to me! I was surprised when I went to my water aerobic's class..the usual teacher, Chris had gotten fired. Noone knows why and noone is willing to tell us the real reason. Well all the geriatrics were pissed off at that. They can't stand our new instructor. I don't blame them..she sucks. You see Chris made it fun and this lady well she makes the class seem like work.She speaks to everyone like they are 3. It is the most annoying thing I have ever experienced. This chick isn't even certified. I have decided that more than likely I won't come back to this class. The instructor goes way to slow and only does each exercise for like 20 seconds. How is anyone supposed to lose weight like that? The way the ladies started complaining in the locker room after class made me laugh so hard! I couldn't believe the stuff I was hearing out of these old ladies mouths. I mean these ladies remind me of my grandmother and half of them were cursing...oh I couldn't help but to laugh.

I played volleyball today...and I noticed something. Now I am not saying that I am some pro volleyball player or anything...but I am not horrible or anything. But it disgusts me to have someone step in front of me and play the ball as if I couldn't do it. It's always a man that does it too. Then if they mess up I still say...good job..but when I mess up it is rare that I ever hear an It's ok. Now I have a problem with this. We aren't playing in some competition here...we are playing for fun...some of these men start huffing and puffing as if your mistake has driven a stake in their heart. There is one guy, who thank God wasn't there today, who is a total ass sometimes. He is all over that court stepping in front of everyone. Why doesn't he just play by himself if he thinks none of us can play. There is usually only two females playing, me and Judy who is a sweetheart. We have talked about this too..she says you just have to ignore them. I don't think I can though. If this guy continues to irk me I will have to open my big ol mouth.

well Z has been at my Mothers in Virginia for the past week and I will finally get him back on Sunday! Yay I missed him so much. I love getting a vacation but I miss his laughter and his knock-knock jokes!

Ok well more tomorrow...


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