In My Place


What do you mean,"what the hell is a goonie?" where were you in the eighties?

I actually ventured out of the house and had some fun...Alex took me out to Cracker Barrel for dinner...mmmy. Then we went to Blockbuster..or should I say walletbuster...I decided no matter what Alex said I was renting "the Secretary" I am so glad I rented it. I don't know what I was expecting out of the movie. It was a little weird but funny. I am probably the lone person who thought this movie was funny, but I don't care. I really rented it because ever since I was younger and saw James Spader in Pretty in Pink (even though he was a definate Prick in that movie) I have had an enormous crush on him! God he just has those eyes that get to me. There are only a few actors that I am totally enamored with: James Spader, Andrew McCarthy,Judd Nelson, Benicio Del Torro, etc...Mostly guys from the 80's movies. I know it's sad. I just grew up watching those movies so I can't help it! I used to watch Pretty in Pink and The Breakfast Club religiously! Even today if I catch them playing on tv I have to watch, even though they cut the best shit out.

I miss those kinds of movies. The movies that are out today for teenagers are idiotic and they just aren't as good as John Hughes movies. You know some of the best movies are from the 80's! My favorite has to be this movie called "Fire with Fire" starring Virginia Madsen. God that movie was great. I know someone has to remember that movie!! I was lucky enough to find someone selling it on ebay last year

and I bought it! Best buy ever!!

You know what is sad I was talking about goonies to someone and this teeny bopper gal actually asked what a goonie was. I thought I would die, it made me feel old. Hell I am not old I am just getting ready to turn 26. Though the other day my grandmother so kindly reminded me I was gonna be turning 30 soon enough. Thanks Grammy something I really wanted to be thinking about!


In other news...

Scott's evil step-mother called Alex's Parents and my Grandmother the other day. I was so Fucking Mad. Why did she do this. To tell them that they wanted to spend time with Z even though Scott was gone. My answer of course is NO FUCKING WAY. I can't stand these people. While Scott was living with them they would never let Z spend the night. I don't like them so why in the hell would I want my child being around them? They never acted like they liked me...When they found out I was pregnant they took me out to dinner and told me what a mistake I was making by keeping the baby. Scott's dad even had the nerve to take me to an abortion clinic in hopes that I would have one. I was crying the entire time I was there. The lady there knew I didn't want to be there and thankfully informed me that I didn't need to feel bad about my decision and I definatly didn't need to do what other people wanted me to. I needed to hear that I was 19, Pregnant and scared!

My Grandmother doesn't want me to let them see Z, Alex is against it too. I agree that they don't need to see him, but I just know I will cave in and let them see him. I know I will start feeling guilty. Right now though, I don't have to worry because Z is in Virginia with my Mother.

wow that was a long entry...well I have to go to sleep so that I can wake up and scrub my apartment from end to end!


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