In My Place


Bad Reviews are a bunch of BUNK

You know what I don't think I will ever have another person review my diary again. I looked through practically every review site before finally deciding on a person who I thought would be fair.

Unfortunatly, this person basically told me the only good reason to read my diary would be my 100 things list. That to me is a bunch of bunk. I wish I would have never asked for someone else's opinion.

It isn't like I write in this diary for anyone except for me anyways. I mean isn't a diary supposed to be a place to share your daily life and to remember things in your life. I am not a very open person and for me to share things about my life was very hard for me. I guess my life just isn't interesting enough for everyone else. Well I will never ask for another opinion again.

Anyway. I got my car back yesterday and am happy to say that instead of paying $8,000 to fix it I have only had to spend $1,000. and the only thing left to do is to paint the bumper and fender.

Kelly stood me up at the gym again today. This will be the third day in a row that she has been a no show. It isn't too bad though. I just like to have someone to talk to while I am there. I feel more comfortable that way. I played volleyball today and I thought my head was going to explode.

The way the teams were set up were really pissing me off. I mean the other team had 4 tall people and then 1 guy who doesn't have a clue how to play, while the team I was on had only 4 people one of which is a 70 year old man who has a hard time getting to the ball. Why in the hell these people thought that it was a fair setup was beyond me. With every time that our team messed up, I could feel my face getting turning red. I wasn't saying anything at first, but then I just couldn't hold my tongue anymore. I would say something everytime they would clap after scoring a point. "Yeah nice one, you wouldn't be scoring so much if the teams were set up right" I was finally about to walk off the court when they decided..."Oh well maybe we should switch people around a little" ooh wow took you three games of us losing for you to figure that one out.


I was sadly reminded of my Grandfather today. One of the ladies in my water aerobics class has alzeimers and I just started crying. I couldn't control it. I guess I just knew what this lady was beginning to be go through and I just felt horrible about it. I am starting to get so attached to the people who are in my class. They are so nice and just wonderful to be around.

I miss my Grandfather so much. I can't believe that it has been almost three years. Everyone said that it would get easier but for some reason it only gets harder. His birthday would have been March 23rd. I still can't go to his grave without breaking down. My Grandmother still calls my house in tears. I feel so bad but I just don't know what to say to her. I haven't been through what she is going through and all I can tell her is, "I love you and it will be ok." What else is there to say?


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