In My Place


The Man whores dog must go...

I love how my bf has gone from the "there will be no display of public affection whatsoever" to "I love you so much and they are all just jealous of us kissing all the time". That has been outstanding! It is so hard for me to accept change but this I think I can take. I can look at Alex and immediatly want to eat him alive..he just looks so damn tasty! I do often have the urge to bite him! I know that can't possibly be a good thing.

My landlord actually called me back today. I about fell out of my chair. He never calls and I thought for sure he was calling about the obscene amount of money I need to pay him for changing my locks. I do believe $98.00 is way too much for that. Back to the call though. He was actually calling about the man whore upstairs, although it wasn't a conversation about man whore's fucking problem, he was calling about the illegal dog he has upstairs that barks so much I can't think. I can't stand the man whore so it was wonderful having something to tell the landlord that could possibly get said man whore kicked out of this place!! Anyway the guy has a dog and we aren't allowed to have pets here, which I think is a stupid rule by the way. My problem wasn't the fact that he had a dog or that the dog barked ALL day. It was the fact this guy is never home and shouldn't leave a little puppy at home all day alone, only to come home after work, turn around and leave again. That isn't fair to the dog. Anyway, the landlord said he was trying to get a hold of the man whore to tell him to either get rid of the dog or he has to move. I hope he chooses to leave! I am sure he will just get rid of the dog though.

I have been doing so much research lately that my desk is no longer visible. There are just stacks and stacks of unorganized papers everwhere. The research I am doing is my family's genealogy. Fun stuff I'm telling ya!! Actually I do enjoy it. Does that make me a nerd? I don't know what it is about doing research and paperwork, but I like it. well I am off to jump back into the piles of papers and try to figure out which family member goes where.

until Next time...


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