In My Place


Breast Pills are BOGUS

Oh I did nothing today of interest. I hung curtains in my living room and washed some clothing.

Wow such a spectacular day of nothingness. I did however check on the message board that I host (see first few entries in diary). I saw a post today that I couldn't believe. A teen wanting to take breast enhancement pills so she could fit into her bathing suit this summer.

Now why on earth would someone even think those pills work? They don't and there was a report on cbs back in December about the FDA making the pill companies to cease sales in the U.S. It was proven that the pills don't do what they claim. Plus the side effects outweigh the benefits even if they did work. These are some side effects listed: headache, nausea and allergic reactions. Then once you get the bigger boobs..they don't tell you about back pain because of the weight of them. Now who in their right mind would want to take something that will more than likely have no effect on their boobs.

I can't stand that girls feel the need to have big fake boobs in order to be beautiful. Listen up girls boobs are only good for two things...feeding your children and getting a little pleasure. Guys do not need for you to have humongous boobs in order for them to like you. If they tell you they do, then please turn and walk away from the idiot. He isn't worth having in the first place. If a guy can't love you for anything besides some big boobies, then he is just a boob himself. I feel there is no need for breast surgery unless you have had cancer and feel uncomfortable unless you have reconstructive surgery.

I seriously want to send this young lady on the board to this page I happened upon a long time ago. It showed all these pictures of women who had breast implants and then got some kind of infection or thier implants burst. I couldn't believe what some of these doctors had done to these women's bodies. It was scary to see.

Please Remember folks this is my diary, my opinions and thanks to the constitution I am allowed to freely share how I feel. If you don't agree feel free to say something in my guestbook.

Until next time Folks...


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