In My Place


The ywca and trying to get a job

Well I went and got a membership to the YWCA today. I just have to make myself go! I will though because I have to pay so much to belong to it. I am happy though because I have friends that have memberships and I think it will make me want to go!!

I also applied to work at the local woman's shelter today. I have a friend who works there so that will be nice. I hope I get hired. I need a job just so I can have extra spending money and something to do during the day! I hate that I won't get to spend as much time with Z, but I am sure he will understand.

I really miss Z, he has been at my mom's since Sunday and I miss hearing him laugh! He's such a little sweetie!

Well I don't really have anything of importance to write right now, so unless something exciting happens today I guess I will be back tomorrow!


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