In My Place


I Miss you

Well I had to go to a special service tonight for a friend of Alex's parents who died. It was different. I have never been to a Jewish funeral service.

I must say that it was beautiful. I thought that I would feel out of place because I don't know Hebrew and the fact that I am not Jewish. But when they started reciting prayers..Wow...It was just beautiful. The way all the words seems to flow together like music. I was looking in the book of prayers and it just looked like it would be difficult to learn. Alex gave up on learning it. He tried and I guess he felt that coming from Russia and learning English was hard enough.


I miss Z so much. I miss him laughing at cartoons. He has this contagious laugh. As soon as I hear him laugh I start to. I miss his constant hugs and kisses too! He is such a little huggy bear. He loves to give people hugs. I don't know who he gets that from. I am not a real mushy kind of girl and I don't really hug people so I guess it is just a little weird to me.


Alex has limited the amount of cigarettes that I am allowed to have a day. It is driving me insane. He bitches every time that I ask for one. What gives him the right? I know he is just trying to help me quit. But Damn he smokes like a chimney and I don't say shit to him about it. I feel it is his body and if he wants to smoke he can. So I think that if I want one I shouldn't get any lip about it.

Well that's all folks...come back again!


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