In My Place


3 hour drives and the man whore

well I had to go on a 3 hour drive today. Those are always fun! I took Z to my mom's so that he could spend some time with her. Well I didn't have to take him all the way to her house that would have been a six hour drive one way...but I took him almost half way!! She is his fave and I know he misses her since she has moved to another state.

I was thinking today about something I find a little weird. I know that they no longer show cigarette adds on tv. I agree that they shouldn't be shown. I am a smoker and I hate it. Try to quit now! I was just wondering why they still show beer and liquor adds?

What is the difference between advertising alcohol and cigarettes? Both of them can kill you. Both of them should not be should to children (but still for some reason kids can get a hold of em). So why is it ok to advertise alcohol and not cigarettes?

Just something I was thinking about.

Oh I was up early and got to see the girl running to her car..(refer to yesterday's entry if confused??) it was so funny!! I love when I can wake up and have a good laugh!! Of course I immediatly got pissed when the man whore upstairs turned on his radio and started blasting his suck ass music.. What a fucking PIG!


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