In My Place


Bowling...the game of champions...

My friend Kelly came over today with her little yard ape (age 3) it was kewl though because zachary had someone to hang out with and play! I went through all of Z's old clothes and gave them to kelly so someone else could get some use out of them. Half of the clothes he had never even worn before...

We went bowling was fun. Especially since I won one of the games and actually got over 100 in 2 games. That is a good score for me! Alex didn't do to bad on the first three games but game four now that was a different story...he totally guttered the ball every time. Not sure if Guttered is a word but I used it anyway! It was good that we did something besides going to a movie or out to a bar. Good fun without drinking how rare.

Valentine's Day is in 2 days. Does anyone truely look forward to this holiday? I don't. I am too scared that I am just going to be disappointed that I don't get anything or get something I don't even want. I am pretty sure Alex is getting me something, I just can't figure out what. I am so horrible when it comes to waiting for presents. I always build it up in my head to be something great and then it turn out to be something else. This time I am doing it differently. I don't even think about it, I keep telling myself that I probably won't get anything because he sure hasn't gone shopping for anything yet. So therefore it makes myself feel a little better.

That's all for today...

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