In My Place


Reflection of Times Past

well scott never did call me back. Shows you just what he thinks about his own son. I mean what if something had happened and he would have never known. Just proves what a horrible dad he truly is!

Today I was totally on a cleaning kick! I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, my bedroom, did laundry and cleaned the hall tomorrow I have to clean the living room and straighten up Z's room! I don't know what got in to me I just felt like I had to clean. I get that way sometimes. I start cleaning and I can't stop until I am done! I guess that is a good thing. I would rather be like that than be a complete slob! I think I get the cleaning thing from my grandmother. She was always cleaning and straightening up. As soon as I would wake up in the morning she would come in and make my bed. I miss that though. It was great being a teenager. I never had to do anything and never had to worry about money, bills or any of that junk. Now it is totally different. Don't get me wrong she still has to help me every now and again. I just like being in my own place and being able to do my own thing!

Teenage life was fun though. At least mine was! I never had a curfew and I pretty much did what I wanted. I think I had that much freedom because I think I was a responsible teen. I never drank or got into any kind of trouble. So they never had to worry about me doing something Stupid.

The sad thing is I even miss high school. I had so much fun then and I didn't mind all that homework. It was easy for me! I sometimes wish that I could go back to high school and do things a little differently. I would have definatly had a little more fun and maybe got more involved with things at school. I regret not going to prom and all that. I did play basketball my junior year of high school and that was fun! I wish I would have played my senior year but I just got burned out on it!

Well I guess that is enough reflection on my younger years. I can't go back so I guess there is no reason to think about it anymore! It is nice to remember though!!


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