In My Place


Fuck you...your an idiot!

Oh my God...

I just had someone Instant message me about what I wrote on a message board.

It was a "why I hate britney spears" board. I was sharing the reasons that I think britney has no talent. You know she sings through her nose and dresses like a whore.

Well this idiot decided to im me and call me fat and ugly because I didn't like britney..give me a break. I wanted to jump through this screen and choke the shit out of this girl...she has got to be the biggest idiot.

I thought I would let you all see why this bitch pissed me is my first entry:

Subject: she Has NO talent

Date: 1/31/2003 7:25 AM Eastern Standard Time

From: WVprincess1

Message-id: <[email protected]

She dresses like a skank and dances around and thinks that she has talent. I have more talent in my right pinkie. She sings or rather tries to, with the most annoying nasally voice. Who told this girl she could sing...they need to be slapped back to reality. If she could actually sing maybe she wouldn't dress like a total whore....but if dressing like that is the only way for someone to notice her I guess she did what she had to. I just think the music world would be a lot better without her albums..the end

And here is the resposes I got back:

Subject: Re: she Has NO talent

Date: 1/31/2003 2:21 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: Christi03m

Message-id: <[email protected]>

WVprincess, what female POP star doesn't dress like a ho? Christina doesn't even wear clothes...You are just sad that you are fat and ugly and can't dress the way she does. Dont take it out on Britney go to Jenny Craig sheeesh.

Here was my response:

Subject: Re: she Has NO talent for christi03m

Date: 1/31/2003 5:23 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: WVprincess1

Message-id: <[email protected]>

Christi03m for one thing I'm not fat and definatly not ugly I just have an opinion that she has no damn talent and I think she sucks. I bet you are the one that is fat and ugly since you so quickly attack me...What you don't like the fact I have a right to an opinion? I believe this board is why I don't like Britney...and I shared how I feel....get a life

and here is what she said back:

Subject: WVprince

Date: 1/31/2003 6:33 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: Christi03m

Message-id: <[email protected]>

I said it once and I will say it again for you ok, I said if you are gonna put the blame on one pop star (Britney) and how she dresses like a ho, why not talk about the others. Thats all I was saying. When you have girls that do the same job and dress the same way and some a little worse it's not right just to blame it on one individual, have you asked yourself why you have such hatred towards a person you dont and wont ever know? I find it kind of frighting you hold such feelings for a pop singer, it's kinda funny though if you think about it.

this last message is what she posted after iming me...I am working on my response now..I just wonder how old this chick is? She keeps posting on the board how we are all jealous of Britney. I just have to say NO I'M NOT.. THE BITCH JUST CAN'T FUCKING SING! she does dress like a skank to.. I am sure a lot of people agree!


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