In My Place


the SupersuckBowl and trying to get a job

Nothing really happened in my life today. I watched the superbowl..woo hoo. I hate football, so it was no big deal! However the halftime show was funny! Who in the world let shania sing and why in the world was she singing her old shitty songs that everyone is tired of? Then we get No Doubt. I used to like this band. When they first came out they had really good songs. Now they just suck. I am so sick of seeing her in her weird ass clothes trying to bellydance. Now we see Sting. I can deal with Sting. I thought,"wow at least they have redeemed themselves and actually put someone in the show who is still making good music." Oh God, no. Why? Why are they letting Gwen sing with Sting. I want to meet the people who planned this.

I read a bunch of my Journals that I found today. I guess I forgot that I hid them behind the bed. It is fun to go back and read all the stuff I wrote from when I met Alex 6 years ago to when we started dating. It's some funny stuff! I have actually been thinking about putting them in a diary on here. I have a second diary that I haven't done really anything with yet. So maybe thats is something I could do???

I filled out an application today to work for one of the local hospitals. I am not really too sure that I will get the job, but you never know. The weird thing is that the application didn't even ask for any references and you would think to work in a hospital maybe a resume would be more appropriate. The lady in personnel however said they don't accept them. strange? I really do hope that I get this job. I need the money, I need the health insurance (I haven't been to a regular doctor in 5 years), I need to do something with my life and I really want to get out of the house and have some sort of social interaction with others! So wish me luck, because I will need it. I have no work experience except for being a camp counselor every summer for 3 years. Do you think I am over-qualified to do paper work and put up with sick deseased people everyday?


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