In My Place


a good dinner and my opinions on welfare

Ok well no one sent me any good recipes for tonight, So I just cooked something easy. I made a Rotteserie chicken, rice, squash, 2 small quiches and for dessert we had some green tea and chocolate cheesecake! Yummy and I didn't even get all stressed out like I usually do when I have people over.


I think I have finally found a place that I would like to work at. It is an insurance claims place and I am sure that I will get to hear a lot of complaining from customers. I think I can handle it though. The great thing is it is casual dress and I can have medical insurance as soon as I start. What could be better than that. I have not been to a doctor since I had zachary 5 years ago. I know that is so horrible. I can't believe it has been that long. I just haven't had insurance since then and can't afford to buy it on my own.

I wish the u.s. was like canada and had socialized medicine. I really don't understand why we don't have it. I think it would solve a lot of problems. I mean more than half the people in this country can't afford to see a doctor and the free clinics that are around are filled with doctor's who had to have gotten their degree from K-mart. Emergency rooms are the worst. It takes hours just to get back into a room and then another few hours just to get seen by a doctor. I want someone to explain to me that even when the emergency room isn't busy that it takes a doctor so long to come have a 5 minute conversation with you. What are they doing? I seriously think that they are off watching tv or something.

I don't know, I guess I just wish a lot of things were different in this country. We are the best country to live in yet there are so many things that need to be fixed here.

For one this country has so many homeless people and people that are living paycheck to paycheck. Yet instead of helping those in our own country we are helping other countries. Why aren't we feeding and housing the homeless? I have a plan too. Why don't some of these movie stars who spend outragious amounts of money on ridiculous things buy up some land and build apartments for people who need a home. Why doesn't the government want to help these people? There are so many things they could do. I just don't understand why they aren't doing much. I do not count welfare as helping much either. I had a friend,Kelly, who was on it a while and even got a car through some program. However if it was my friend Sarah (who happens to be black) I don't think this program would have been offered to her. Why is that? Sarah was doing the same things that Kelly was doing: Making the father of her child pay child support, she had a job and she wasn't even getting that much welfare help. Yet the other girl would spend the money she was getting at the bars every weekend, even spending her child support money. So why in the world does the government still let people like this get help. If you have enough money to go hang out in the bars then you don't need welfare. In my opinion it should be used on someone else who is in more need of it. Now this is only my opinion and I am sure I will piss a few people off with my views on things but that is just too bad. This is my place to share my opinions. whoa I really went off on a tangent this time...oh well


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