In My Place


catching up....

I guess it's about time that I update this here has been about 15 days. Sorry to anyone that reads this thing.
Well..let's see where to start. I have been on my @DD medicine for about 2 weeks and it has completely changed my life! I feel so much better and I can actually get things done! I've got so much to do in the months until my wedding. I have yet to find someone to make the wedding cake and the pastor at the church we want to get married at has yet to call us back and let us know if we can get married in this particular church. I'll be heartbroken if we can't get married there. This church is absolutely beautiful!
Z is still at his dad's. He will be there until the 17th. I miss him SOOO damn much. The house is so quiet and not as much fun with him not here. I called him tonight and talked to him for a bit! He sounded like he was having fun but he missed home. Alex talked to him for a bit as well. Then I talked to Z's dad about how he was doing there. He put Z on some herbal meds that are supposed to help with his @DD and I told him that I didn't think it was appropriate to put him on medicine without speaking to his doctor. I said that he shouldn't have done that without calling me first. He didn't really say much after that and I asked to talk to Z that was that. Such a doofus. Why would you give your son medicine like that if you didn't speak to his own doctor first. I don't give Z anything unless I ask his doctor first. You just never know.
Other than that...I have been busy cleaning out my storage space. It has been full of my stuff for about 4 years and I finally decided that it was about time that I cleaned out what I didn't need because I am sick of paying for that space. We are supposed to be having a yard sale soon..which is cool I will just use whatever money I make to pay for some wedding stuff. Sounds good to me. I have already got rid of some of Z's old toys. He hasn't played with them in years and they aren't doing anything but taking up space in my storage spot.
well..have to do some stuff before I hit the hay! Hope everyone had a lovely day!
~Rachel |
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