In My Place


let's catch up...

Let's catch up shall we...
Z didn't win anything at the art show and was so upset by it that we only stayed for about 5 minutes. We tried telling him how he should feel honored to have his work chosen for the show. He was having none of that though. He thought his was better than most of the other ones there and quite honestly I don't blame him for thinking that. I told him he wasn't going to win all the time and he needed to not feel so horrible about it.
I finally finished painting my basement. It really isn't a basement in the sense of some dingy place you would never want to go. It's more like a rec room. I painted it a really pretty greenish grey color and hung a ton of art work that I have. I still have this huge mirror to hang up but since it weighs about 100 pounds I have to buy something special to hang it up with. However I think I did pretty well getting it all together this weekend.
Now I am extremely tired and Sunday will definitely be a resting day!
I bought "Br0keback Mount@in" the other day. I must say that it's an excellent movie. I won't give away any part of the movie..I'll just say that I cried. If you haven't seen it..please watch it and don't avoid it just because others are calling it the "g@y c0wboy m0vie". It's so much more that a movie about 2 g@y guys.
Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. Enjoy your Sunday!
~Rachel |
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