In My Place


busy busy busy

I just saw a really interesting documentary. I don't often rent movies any more..because I think Bl0ckbuster is a rip-off. So, when I do I actually see a movie/documentary that is good I am very happy! I rented two documentaries but I'm not sure how many people would be interested in seeing the first one I watched. It was good don't get me wrong..but I am not sure how wide of an audience it could reach. It was a documentary about this new dance that was created in south central Los Angelos called Krump. (Look that word up and you can learn more about it!) Very interesting if you like dancing as much as I do..if not than it might not be as interesting to you.
Anyway..the second one I watched was called "A St@te 0f Mind." It was about the "M@ss Games" in North Korea. The documentary follows two girls who train for 8 months to perform at the mass games for the "general". It is an interesting look at the society in North Korea. I highly recommend watching this documentary!!
I have been working on a power point presentation all weekend and have to get it finished by tomorrow. It is for a presentation that Alex's Mom has to make at work. She is a cytologist (studies cells) and often has to make presentations about her work for the other people that she works with and for. She does not know much about computers and even though I have offered she doesn't think she could learn p0wer point...even though I have told her how easy it is to use. Therefore, I end up having to do her projects. So for the last few days I have done nothing but looked at cells and let me tell you they aren't the loveliest things to look at..and it freaks me out if I start thinking about it too much. So I work really fast!
Z has spent the whole weekend with Alex's parents and it's a good thing too. I don't think I would be able to finish this project if I had to entertain him. He is such a booger on the weekends. I told him he was going to have to learn to like reading books and find things that he enjoys doing because I was not going to be his personal entertainment every weekend!
I need to get this project I'm off..hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and that you will enjoy what is left of the weekend!
~Rachel |
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