In My Place


Aww..what a cutie!

I'm making this presentation for our wedding reception..yeah I know I am starting early..but I want to get it done. Anyway.. I asked Alex's Mom to lend me some pictures of Alex from when he was younger so that I could put them with my pictures for this thing.. aww he was such a cute youngin'..
I thought I would share..shhh don't tell him.. he would be so mad! LOL!!
Alex as a baby.. he said it looks like a really old picture but that's just what they had to work with in Russia when he was younger!

Another baby shot:

A little older:

A little older than that..Alex thinks it's a school picture..I just thought it was adorable:

Alex snowboarding about 9 years ago..

We are going to have cute babies!! ~Rachel |
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