In My Place


still a little bitchy!

I'm thankfully not as mad as I was on Saturday. Yeah, that last entry was just a bit on the angry side. I should have given myself some time before just splurting it out in here. But..I did it.. and I'm not gonna erase it. I'm still a little mad about the whole situation. Alex and I still aren't really talking. I do my own thing and he does his. I am sure I will blow a gasket if he tells me he is going out this week. I mean all I have done for the last few days is clean. Has he helped? Not a damn why the hell should he go hang out with his friends? I don't know..maybe it's the fact that I don't like his friends, I think they are just people for him to hang out with, they aren't really his friends.
Z's birthday is on Thursday. I did his birthday shopping today. I got him an aquarium, the new Lilo and Stitch movie, he requested that and I got him some puzzles. He loves puzzles. He will put them together a few times and then get bored with them. So, thankfully they are cheap. We were going to do the chuckie cheese thing, I don't really have the money for that. We were going to the new grandprix place and let the kids race cars..then I realized that was more than chuckie cheese. So for the first time in 8 years, Z isn't really having a birthday party. It's going to be family and friends going out to eat then coming back here to eat cake and open presents. Fun Times!
I have some work to work that it..
Have a great Tuesday all.
~Rachel |
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