In My Place


halloween party..

Z�s Halloween party at school was today. The school however wouldn�t let any of the kids dress up in costumes. Sad really. I asked last year why every other school allowed it but them and the teacher told me because the kids kept dressing up as something dead. You know dead cheerleaders, etc. Isn�t that the point of Halloween? Children are coddled entirely too much these days and it�s sickening.
The party started at 2pm, I didn�t want to be there until at least half way through the party because who wants to sit by themselves and watch the kids eat for an entire hour. Fifteen minutes to a half hour is plenty for me. That is one reason, the other would be the clique of so-called �cool parents� that sit there gossiping. Now cool would be what they think they are. I have a different opinion. I mean these are the type of moms who wear those horrible holiday vests for each occasion. You know the ones. If not imagine this one, but uglier and with a shitload of sequins.
The less time I have to be around them the better. I of course sat on my own and talked to my son. No one made any effort to talk to me and I made none to talk to them. I like it that way. I don�t have any desire to talk to any of those people. One of the chicks I actually went to junior high with (she was a year younger) and she is just as snobby as she was back then. She is the type that can�t look at people without giving them a dirty look. Yeah, that�s just the type of person I want to hang around..
I tried to get out of there pretty quick, but then the teacher tried to catch me leaving. She actually came up to me and wanted me to help clean up. Yeah, I don�t think so. I don�t clean up after everyone else�s little rugrats. Mine, yes of course I would clean up after. There were plenty of parents there who could have done it, including those that signed up to help. I was not one of those parents. So I took three cups to the trash and then made myself look busy. Mean, maybe, I don�t really care though.
The longer Z attends the school, the angrier I get. I used to love this school. Now I think it�s full of people who don�t care if the kids have any fun. I mean Z had 2 hours worth of homework in kindergarten. It�s heartbreaking. When I was in kindergarten, we played, did artwork, sang songs, and had naptime. Sure isn�t like that now. I felt bad for Z having so much work. It just seems like they don�t want children to have an actual childhood. They just want them to keep their heads in their books.
Z is spending the night with Grandma tonight, his favorite Friday night activity. As soon as I pick him up he wants to go to her house. This gives me time to get things done and gives me a little quiet time at home! Who is going to complain about that? Not me.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday evening and a great weekend!
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