In My Place


2 days and counting... least Saturday I got the whole baby shower thing over with. Now I can actually get back to what I need to do. You know, like with school and all. I feel like I never have enough time in the day to get done anything that is important for me.
My problem is, yes I can admit it, that I am too willing to give up whatever I need to do in order to help others. I can't help it I have always been like this. On Thursday knowing I needed to get some studying done I ended up going to my pregnant friends house and helping her clean her house because she felt too overwhelmed to do it herself. Fine, no problem, I understand that I was pregnant once and yes I remember that feeling! I do that kind of thing on a regular basis though. I know that I need to do something important like school and I wind up doing something different. It is like my mind is completely scatterbrained. I can't keep going on this straight path that leads to me getting everything done on time. I will veer off onto about 20 different "paths". I think I suffer from ADD. No joke, I think I may have just started noticing it within the last few years. It's sad, I don't want to take any kind of meds for it unless they are non-stimulants. I don't even have a doctor at the moment though, so I guess talking about getting meds or even being diagnosed is pointless.
Alex's Mom and Grandmother are due to arrive here on Wednesday. That is if everything goes correctly. They are supposed to recieve a visa today from Austria. If they get that then all will be wonderful. If not, then it's a problem and his Grandmother will be coming here on a later date. I'm just so nervous and excited to meet her. I have been cleaning my house like crazy in case they would come over here sometime soon! those that pray..please pray that everything will go according to plan and that they will both be here in two days!!!
Have a wonderful Monday all!
~Rachel |
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