In My Place


petition response

Z wound up staying another night with my mom..I don't think she felt like driving here today. I don't know why.. but ok.
I was having a pretty good day until I checked the mail today. I recieved Scott's response to my custody/child support petition. I hate all this.. but he brought all this on by marrying someone who thought they were going to take my little one away from me. Not going to happen. Period..end of story. She has her own kid to take care of she needs to concentrate on that and leave mine alone. She didn't go through the birthing process of Z so she sure as hell isn't going to have a hand in raising him.
Anyway, in his petition he told a blatant lie that I am sure will come back to bite him in the ass. He said that since Z was born that he has given me monthly support. OH MY FUCKING GOD! If so, I sure never saw any of it. I don't think he realizes that you actually have to prove that little tidbit. I have boxes of bills from Z's birth til now and he sure as hell wasn't paying. He didn't even have a job for most of the time that we were together..yet claimed Z on his tax money back and never gave me any of it. I wonder how much trouble if any that will bring him for saying that and then signing his name?
I have to call my lawyers on Monday to see what is up with all this. He did only ask to see Z in the Summertime.. problem is he is asking for 11 weeks of visitation and I don't think that is likely to happen..or at least I hope not. The dates he listed wanting him would interfere with school anyway.
He hasn't called here lately and now I see why. I can't believe that he wants to be involved in decisions when it comes to schooling..he doesn't even live near us..he wants involved in decisions about extracurricular activities..again..he doesn't live here...he also stated he wants to be involved in religious matters.. this coming from someone who isn't a bit religious. I don't understand that? The thing that made me laugh the hardest was when it asked that I pay for half of the expenses for Z to go and see him in the state that he lives in..14 hours away at least...ummm NO FUCKING WAY! I don't think that is any of my responsibility in the least and I certainly don't think a judge will think that either.
The funny thing is S is using the same lawyer he used when he was in trouble for selling drugs..interesting..
my court date is set for August 3rd.. I am already nervous! |
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