In My Place


Yeah I know I should be studying

I decided to take 2 tests tomorrow instead of 3..because well I wasn't ready for the 3rd one enough to take it. I found out that I made B's on both the tests that I already took! Yay Me!! I should be studying right now..but well I'm not. I'm such a procrastinator. I know it's sad. It's just always how I have been. One good thing is that I do better on tests when I cram than when I study for a few days for them. I don't understand it..but that's how my brain works.

I am really just now getting any real time to study anyway. I have been working with Z on his class presentation for the past week. He was up til 11pm tonight still trying to memerize his speech. It's so hard for him to memorize. He knows all the facts so I hope that the teacher just asks him questions about Jellyfish instead of trying to make him read (which he doesn't even know how to do) his paper.

Well I guess I really should go and study a little before I hit the hay.

Have a lovely Thursday all..


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