In My Place


Studying is all I ever do..

I have been studying all day! So I am taking a break now.

I had to take Z to the doctor yesterday. That's always fun. I have to take him once a month because of the medicine he takes for his ADHD. It's a controlled substance so they can't just call it in to the pharmacy. Anyway, his doctor (who is the most wonderful person!) upped his dosage. I didn't want to do that..but he needed seemed as though 5 mg just wasn't doing anything for him anymore. I won't go up any higher than 10 mg though. So if this stuff ever stops doing it's job, I will be looking for alternatives. I would love to find something besides the medicince anyway. I hate that he has to take a pill everyday, but he can not concentrate in school at all without it. I will just have to do some major research on it. I can't until school is over though..just no time at the moment.

I have to throw my best friend a baby shower this Saturday..thankfully her Mom is doing all the work..all I have to do is come up with 2 party games..what fun!! I have to find these games before tomorrow and call her Mother to see if those are the ones she that is what I am headed to look for shower games..yee haw!

I hope everyone is having a lovely day..and don't forget..go vote for discothekid's band Public Domain at this website It's a good cause go vote!! Please!!


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