In My Place


Z starts kindergarten..they cuts his own hair

It's been oh so long since I last I thought that I would take the time and fill those of you who are on what's going on in my busy life.

I am still helping to plan my best friends wedding..That has been interesting!

Z started school on Tuesday! I cried when I dropped him off..he just gave me a hug and said bye! I was a little hurt..I thought he would have been a little too sad, but I guess I was wrong. He got into trouble the second day. I thought for sure he would get into trouble the first day..but he waited! He got in trouble for talking which I figured he would. The child never shuts up. He often loses his voice from talking so much! He can't help it..he has a lot to say! The teacher did tell me that he was very smart..well Hell I could have told her that!

Last night Z decided to give himself a new haircut before he gets his pictures taken for school next week. I woke up this morning to see my child standing at the end of my bed..with 2 bald spots. He had cut his hair so short that there was no way to fix it without shaving his head! I cried. I didn't want my little boy to look like a marine. He had such beautiful hair.. I took him to the barbershop 2 hours ago.. and closed my eyes while they shaved my little angels head! It was so sad. Alex was just laughing..he thought it was funny..I on the other hand DIDN'T. You can still see a bald spot on top of his head, but thankfully no kids should notice because he is the tallest kid in his class..besides this gargantuan girl who looks like a 3rd grader..she had to have been held back a few times in Kindergarten..she's huge..there is no way this is her first year!

I've already had a little fight with Z's teacher..I don't like her..I didn't want her to be his teacher..but the stinking assholes wouldn't let me put Z into a different room! I was so PISSED. I think it was all because I look like I'm they figured well we don't have to listen to her. Well FUCK that! I am 26 and I am not a little child and they will not speak to me as if I am. Now I let this one slide..but if they fuck with me's on. I don't think they realize who they are messing with! I am not afraid to go over the teacher's head and straight to the principal to get what I want for my child!

I am still on Atkins and it hasn't been a full month yet and I have already lost 20 pounds..GO ME!! I love it.. nothing beats shopping for smaller clothes..although there isn't really much of a point in shopping too much since I plan on losing more!

Well I must go..we are having dinner at Alex's parents house tonight. We are supposed to be grilling outside..but since it's raining in buckets, I don't see that happening. I still have to go to the store to get something to take over there. I hate going empty handed. They better notice how much weight I've lost too..or I'm going to be a little upset.

Oh by the way..invisibledon has one of the best diaries on diaryland! Not to mention he's quite the looker ladies!! He is also the leader of the invisible army..which I belong to! It's fun! He gives you missions to do every month so that you can move up in rank! So go check his diary out!!

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!


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