In My Place


OMG The host of Cheaters got stabbed...damn

Ok I had to make another entry after what I just saw on TV.

Does anyone else watch that "reality" show Cheaters? Well come on now I wasn't ashamed to admit it. You can too!

Anywho, it was rather an exciting show tonight. Usually it's just oh so and so cheated and then a fight. Usually you here, Well your a bitch or It was your fault I cheated. You know all the lame ass excusses that a cheater can come up with. Tonight however one idiot took it a little too far. First with start out with the background info. This episode was about a guy who was cheating on his 6 month pregnant girlfriend. Wow that makes him such a winner right there. So they catch this guy doing his cheating on tape and then show his current girlfriend. Then of course we have the commercial break. When it comes back on it seems that The Cheater has taken his new little chippy out on a boat for the day. So what do the Producers of cheaters do..well hell they get themselves on 2 different boats loaded with cameras, A 6 month pregnant chick and the host of Cheaters..Joey Greco (he replaced Tommy Grand a few months ago). So they get out there and of course the guy starts saying he didn't care and he didn't love her and that since she has been pregnant she has turned into a bitch(well what do you expect with all those hormones). Then you see a scuffle and the host goes down on his knees and there is blood all over the place. This idiot stabbed Joey with a fishing knife. What was he thinking? First of all he did it in front of like 20 cameras. Secondly, why would you stab Joey? What the hell did he do? You're the one who cheated jackass. So they finally subdue the fucker and you hear,"you're under arrest." They handcuff him and throw him into one of the seats on the boat. They have already put Joey into another boat and are calling 911. They get to shore and the paramedics show up and rush Joey to the hospital. From what I heard on the show, Apparently the guy stabbed him in the stomach and it was a pretty nasty gash. Well the rest of the group gets back to shore..The gals are acting civil because hell the other chick had no idea he had a girlfriend and certainly didn't know she was pregnant. Then you see the guy being taken to jail...commercial break. Shows back on they talk about the other case on tonights show and then get to the one I am talking about. The girl has said she wants nothing to do with this guy and that he isn't a good role model for her child..(well damn, Ya think? I mean God I would so want someone who stabbed a person for no reason as a role model for my child. Obviously this chick needs to get far away from this Idiot.) The other girl also states how she will not have anything to do with him either..well at least she found out what anger problems he really has before he tried to hurt her. The part that pisses me off is they really don't tell you how Joey is doing. Well hell they just saw we hope he makes a healthy and fast recovery and that they will keep the audience updated. And here I thought my sunday night was going to be a boring one! Nothing like a good stabbing to get you all hyped up. Not that I am happy that someone got hurt..but I just was not expecting this.

Did anyone else happen to catch this show??


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