In My Place


He wrecked my car DAMMIT

Well there is a very good reason why I did not make an entry yesterday. Let's see where to start. Well I almost had a nervous breakdown when I woke up yesterday because Alex woke me up at 8 am to tell me that he wrecked my car. I was so mad.

The sun blinded him and he hit a telephone pole. Don't worry it sounds worse that it was. He was only going about 10mph. He was turning onto a street when it happened. I have still yet to see my car. You know lack of transportation to get there. Although Alex did give me his car. It is uninsured and needs a license plate. So I can't really drive it. I don't want to see how bad the damage was. I can't turn it into my insurance because this would be the second time that Alex has wrecked a car of mine and I can't afford to pay more insurance. So I now own a wrecked car and a pimpo (a tempo that I have renamed).

I felt so bad all day yesterday that I never ate and have still yet to eat. This is the longest I have went without eating and the weird thing is I am still not hungry. I had to go to the hospital this morning at 5am because I thought I was having some sort of anxiety attack. The people at the hospital basically told me nothing is wrong go home and go to bed. While there I overheard them talking about me at their little desk in the middle of the er. They were all like," oh she must just need reassurance" and laughing at me. I have never been treated like that and it felt like I was back in some junior high with people laughing at me. I was planning on saying something to them about being rude to me but I just didn't. I really didn't feel I would be at the best yelling quality since I still felt like shit and they had done absolutly nothing to help me out. So I will now have an expensive bill to pay for no answers whatsoever.

I at least got some sleep. I went to bed at about 7am, yes I got home from the hospital in a record 2 hours. I slept until 5pm. That is horrible and now my sleep schedule is going to be totally screwed. I hate sleeping all day it always makes me feel worse. Today however I needed to sleep. I feel better now. I will just have to go force some food down my throat. So until later pray that I find someplace to tow my car to and then some way to pay for it. Since I am jobless I guess this is what is going to throw me into getting a job and doing something with my life. Yippee I am so not excited.


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