In My Place


Is war the answer?

So I was watching one of the true life shows on MTV(you know the we don't play music anymore channel) about living in Israel.

It was actually very interesting. It's so hard to believe that they focus on real issues on this episode instead of those other ones like "I'm getting plastic surgery" episodes.

Anyway, I guess I had never really known what the people who live over there actually go through. I really think they did a good job at showing both sides of the story (palistinian and Israeli). It's sad to me to see that some places were under a 24 hour curfew. I don't think people in America could handle that. We can't imagine it of course because we don't live in a place where there is fighting everyday.

I can't imagine tanks rolling through the streets or being scared to walk around for fear that you will be shot.

What is wrong with this world. Why do people want to kill innocent people? Every young person I saw on that show wanted it all to end and for everyone to live in peace. So why in the world is there no resolution to all of this?

I have been scared ever since Sept. 11 that something is going to happen to this country. I can't really explain what it is that I think will happen, because I am just so unsure. I just want to be able to travel without fear of a terrorist blowing up my airplane.

We were planning on taking a trip to the Ukraine and Russia to see Alex's family in April. I think now we have just thrown those plans straight in the gutter. I for one am too scared to get onto a plane. I don't like that I am afraid. I have never felt that way before. I have some fear that something will happen to me and then Zachary will have no mother. So I choose to stay here and only dream of being able to travel without the fear of death.

I am not sure of my feelings on the war yet. I look at both sides. On the one hand war is bad, it will hurt our economy and just make people hate us even more than they already do. On the other hand, look at what they did to us and I know revenge isn't always the answer, but they killed innocent people. But if we go over and blow them to smithereens aren't we doing the same know innocent people will die. I don't know about all this..I will maybe reflect further in upcoming entries...


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