In My Place


bully, yoga and becoming a vegetarian

oh my god the worst movie in the world...Bully made in like 2000 is the worst acting i have ever seen and the movie made me want to pull my hair out..good god movies like that shouldn't be allowed to be made...anyway enough about that waste of my time...i slept soo much today, like almost 12 hours.. i have felt like total crap for the past few days...i hate ear infections my ear hurts so bad i would like to pierce my ear drums with an ice pick..but then that would hurt a little worse my respiratory infection isn't even bothering me except for the fact that i can't smoke a cig..which when alex was asleep i snuck one..i wish he would go to sleep now so i could have another one...he wants me to quit smoking soo bad and always says something to me about smoking then he turns around and smokes right in front of me now that really sucks...Anyway i need to quit anyway i have started changing like all my habits..i have become a vegetarian far so good i have been doing that for about 2 weeks...i don't drink soda anymore..although i still have cappucino's i don't think i can quit that. I have been doing yoga pilates at home so far only 3 times in 2 weeks but i will do more as i get into it! so far i have lost 5 pounds so its all good!! but i guess that is enough writing for tonight...


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