In My Place


alex's love

Well today has been a nice slow paced day for a change..yay...Alex took me shopping and out to eat! What a great boyfriend!!!! I love a man who knows how to spoil his woman! I have been trying to find a cool background for my diary cause I am sick of the boring one that I have now. I see all these other people with great looking diaries..I want one too! whine whine! I bought a new tv today since Alex shot the last one! lol. What a day that was. He is the perfect example of why people should not play with guns! But I digress. Alex has gotten so cuddly and loving with me that it just seems so weird, but lovely! I have these father issues and I think that is why I am having problems dealing with a loving relationship with a guy. I am just not used to it at all. Why do dads do that crap to us?? I mean seriously do they take guys aside in high school and say "hey,when you have children if one of them is a girl, remember to treat her like crap and make her question everything about herself..." I seriously think they do. Anyway, I am sick of taking alex to the clinic everyday. It's like one of those you hate to do it, but you have to kind of things! I am just really glad that he realized he had a problem and that he knew this was the way he could get help. It's just weird though because there are so many freakin weirdo's at this clinic. Maybe I will talk more about that some other day... well I'm out!


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