In My Place


lil update

I'm still around..I just never write anymore...just forget or don't have the time. I started working back in March..I love my job...but there is alot of overtime..I hardly ever have time to enjoy spending any of the money I'm making..which I guess is a good thing..but there are some weeks when I only get one day off and there have been a few weeks that I haven't even had one day off..and while my paychecks look lovely...I am just worn! I got a promotion and while I am happy about's also what causes me to have to work more. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm ok..and I still read your diaries...I just never have much to say on my own...Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving..and enjoy the upcoming holiday season..I hope to write more..when I start to have a life again!
~Rachel |
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