In My Place


It's a long've missed 11 days of my life I have gone 11 days without a new entry..kill me.
I have been either really busy or really annoyed you can pick which one to believe! I'm in a giving mood, can't ya tell?
Thanksgiving sucked..well Thanksgiving day. We went to some weird gathering of strange people. We can blame this one Alex's mother who is the one who choose this place. We also informed her she is no longer in charge of Thanksgiving ever again. We were only gone for about an hour..the food was HORRIBLE..the driest stuffing, the driest turkey and a bunch of weird stuff that didn't remotely look like Thanksgiving type food. I wound up eating a few bites of mashed taters and came home and ate a california kitchen thai pizza..yeah sounds so thanksgivingy..was better than what everyone else ate. Now I do feel bad for complaining when some people have nothing. I just have this thing about my 2 favorite holidays (thanksgiving and Christmas) and when things don't go the way I think they should..well I get pissed. Yes that sounds quite bitchy..but at least I'm honest!
I think Thanksgiving should be time spent with family and friends not a bunch of strange people. I made up for it though the next day when I woke up and started cooking our own post thanksgiving feast for a few family and friends..turkey, apple pecan stuffing, party taters, broccoli casserole, sweet tater casserole, an apple pie, a pumpkin pie, layered salad, deviled eggs, and a huge cheeseball..uh we still have leftovers..I was so tired by the time we sat down to eat that I could barely eat any of the yummy food I had spent the day making.. It was great..we ate, had great conversation, and then played scene it! for almost 3 hours. If you don't have that game.. go forth and buy! It was the best game we have played in a long while.. Of course Alex was complaining because Alicia and I were answering all the questions. We can't help it that we know a bunch of movie trivia.. at least we put ourselves on different teams to make it fair!
Marty and her little one are coming here to spend a few days with us. Her mom is really going downhill and Marty needs help taking care of the baby. Of course I'll help..I love babies. It is when they grow up and think they can talk back to you that I don't like! :)
I really feel bad for her family. Her Dad had to take early retirement on Monday because there is no one else to take care of Marty's Mom. I went to their house yesterday to help out. I cleaned a bit and entertained the baby. Not much else I could do.. I am going back today around 11 am to see what else I can do. I saw the laundry piling up so maybe I will do that!
I am going to go to the store today to pick up a few things to keep here for the baby! She has one of those pack n play's so the baby will have somewhere to sleep. I will go buy some wipes and diapers to help out. I thought about buying a pack 'n play for my house..but those things are $90 and I just don't feel the need to spend that much when I'm not going to have a child anytime soon.
By the way..and fair warning I am about to share a womany thing if you get offended by that type of thing..exit right..
I'm about a month late..and yes, I hope you know what that means. Now, I am not worried at the moment..because this is actually fairly common with me, especially when I have been a nervous, anxious, stressed out mess. Alex however hates to hear anything about it because he instantly thinks I'm preggers. He does not want children at this moment in time and I think he just needs to get over that. His mother keeps asking when we are going to have more kids..I just say when he puts that ring on my finger. Now maybe that is why he hasn't asked me yet.. he knows I want to have more kids I am just waiting on that damn ring. LOL.. men are so silly sometimes..
I've been on that man hating bus lately. Marty's ex is fucking insane. I want to punt him in the balls as hard as I can. This idiot abandoned her and her unborn at 5 months. He shows up at the birth... has not helped out with one damned thing for that baby..and thinks that because he went out and bought a car seat that he can come get this little angel whenever he wants. Wow he is dilusional. Now I am all for Father's who have been there for their children actually being a part of their child's life. However, if you have never done something to help take care of your child or if you abandon the mother when she is still pregnant..I say a big FUCK YOU and you should have no rights. This is why I never wanted to go to court in my case with Z's dad. He was never there..never helped out and now he gets a week at Christmas and a month in the Summer and it's fucking slowly driving me insane.
That who case thing is still eating me up inside. My Grandmother said something interesting yesterday. She said that I had been bitter since he got married and it's just eating me up. I had to correct her..I'm bitter but it started long before he married his heifer from Montana.. I'm bitter because he is a big FUCKING liar and the mere thought of him makes me nauseated..I can't wait until the day Z turns 18..I will never have to discuss anything with Scott again..sounds great to me! See there it is..I'm working on it. I do really good..I don't think about him or his make believe family that he has right up until the phone rings and the caller ID says TEXAS.. then I go right into that I hate him fucking mode. My stomach starts churning and I feel the need to punch someone..yes, he gives me that loving feeling...
OK..enough about him..I really want to enjoy my day..not think about him..
I hope everyone else is having a wonderful week..Enjoy your Wednesday! Sorry for the novel of an entry!
~Rachel |
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