In My Place


Decorating done my way

I was actually out of the house almost all day today. It was wonderful. Alex offered to babysit so that I could go out with one of my good friends, Kelly. It has been so long since I went shopping and just looking at furniture and decorating stuff. I love that kinda thing. It's something that always cheers me up. I absolutly love furniture and design stuff. Probably why I took so many design classes in college.

I have decided that I really have to do something with this apartment. I have lived here a year and a half and it still doesn't look the way I want it too. I have so many things that I want. For instance, I have wanted a bedroom set for 2 years. I want a sleigh bed so bad, I think they are so beautiful! I also want to do something with the dressers that I have and then get some that will all look right together. Now I just have to get some money to do all that.

I really need to hang up my curtains that I have put off since I moved in. I guess I just can't take only having mini-blinds. I hate mini-blinds..they get so dirty and they suck to clean. I have begun to just dump all of them in the tub with a bunch of bleach..that usually works.

I have also become very addicted to changing rooms and trading spaces. I have learned so many little Do-It-Yourself tricks...I LOVE IT!!! Well I must go..Maybe I will have something more interesting to write about tomorrow. I can dream can't I???


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