In My Place

2004-11-20 almost done packing..
2004-11-17 I'm moving..YAY
2004-11-09 To my son on his 7th birthday!
2004-11-08 oh the custody blues...
2004-11-07 one ugly day
2004-11-06 think of a title
2004-11-05 I'm tired..
2004-11-04 We the American Youth do care!
2004-11-04 It's been a long day...
2004-11-03 quizzes..
2004-11-03 Bitchin bout the Bush
2004-11-03 more election shit
2004-11-02 election returns
2004-10-29 choose
2004-10-27 Pardon me..I'm sleepy...
2004-10-25 The Landlord is a bitch!
2004-10-19 ohhh the insanity...
2004-10-13 Marty....
2004-10-10 Greasy food..not for me!
2004-10-04 hehehehe....
2004-10-01 out of town
2004-09-25 yeah...he's home!
2004-09-25 Don't drink and drive
2004-09-23 It's a beautiful day..or at least it could be
2004-09-19 This rant brought to you by the letter F...for FUCK
2004-09-16 It's so addictive...
2004-09-10 It can't be 3 years can it?
2004-09-08 it's always something
2004-09-01 Show me the Money...
2004-08-24 What is wrong with people..has the world gone crazy??
2004-08-23 School time blues
2004-08-21 My doggies a pooping machine...
2004-08-17 yeah yeah..shove it..I'm having a mood
2004-08-14 The new puppy!!
2004-08-12 How much is the doggie in the window!
2004-08-07 oh you know you love a good quiz now and then!
2004-08-02 I'm a little crispy...
2004-07-31 You Sexist oughta be ashamed
2004-07-29 music is the key
2004-07-28 Too much information..
2004-07-25 It's been one of those fucking days
2004-07-25 AHHHH..quit snoring dammit
2004-07-23 NO more please...
2004-07-19 do I say something or let it go??
2004-07-19 Our trip
2004-07-13 planning a trip
2004-07-11 Yay...Scott is leaving tomorrow!
2004-07-05 My July 4th
2004-07-03 And I will sleep when??
2004-07-01 I'm back..yeah I know ya really missed me..
2004-06-25 going on a mini-break!
2004-06-23 Oh Alex..he wrecked again..
2004-06-21 Father's Day
2004-06-17 My semester is finally over!
2004-06-15 Here are my thoughts on the matter
2004-06-09 it's an 80's flashback baby!
2004-06-06 becoming a recluse